Irene Beddies

Fairy Tale

At my garden‘s edge
there grows a hedge
over a heap of old stone
from an ancient house,
now shelter of many a mouse.
Nobody ever cared
nor anyone was scared
about a strange tone
that sometimes came with the wind.
One dark day I was pinned
down to the spot where I stood:
from out of the wood
a row of tiny footprints leading
to the broken wall I found
when snow covered the ground.
They seemed the marks of little shoes
not a trail of duck or goose
or of mice which came feeding.
Through the brambles I plowed
not daring to breathe aloud.
The footprints ended at a tile
reaching it straight in a neat file.
And when I touched the stone
it slipped and gave way
to a glittering cave. A ray
reflected by the gilded walls
led me through emerald halls
to a high royal throne
where the lightest fairy-queen
leaned that I ever had seen.
She smiled a friendly welcome
and ordered to serve me some
of her servants which were mice.
She rose her ruby glass
filled with dew from the grass
and drank to me a toast.
Suddenly as by spell of a ghost
all was turned into blue ice.
And blinded I touched without end
the bare stone with my frozen hand.

© I. Beddies

Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Irene Beddies.
Publicado en el 25.11.2011.


El autor

Bild von Irene Beddies


Libro de Irene Beddies:


In Krollebolles Reich: Märchen von Irene Beddies

Irene Beddies hat in diesem Band ihre Märchen für Jugendliche und Erwachsene zusammengestellt.
Vom Drachen Alka lesen wir, von Feen, Prinzen und Prinzessinnen, von kleinen Wesen, aber auch von Dummlingen und ganz gewöhnlichen Menschen, denen ein wunderlicher Umstand zustößt.
In fernen Ländern begegnen dem Leser Paschas und Maharadschas. Ein Rabe wird sogar zum Rockstar.
Auch der Weihnachtsmann darf in dieser Gesellschaft nicht fehlen.

Mit einer Portion Ironie, aber auch mit Mitgefühl für die Unglücklichen, Verzauberten wird erzählt.

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