It is Monday, the 6th of August 1945.
Location: Mariana Islands, Tinian.
At 2.45 a.m the bomber type 29 , flight number
44- 86 292 starts here from departure place
A.P.O 247. The bomber‘s call sign is D 82, its first
courseis 338 degree flying at 205 miles p.h
In Hiroshima, the 8th biggest Japanese town, about
2500 kilometre from Tinian, a new day has just begun.
No stars show in the sky above the accumulated houses
of the town, which is divided by the river Ota several times.
From a plane the city shape looks like a Hand with six fingers.
The city is nestled between forested mountains and so
far has escaped greater war events.
At this time of day most people of the population are
asleep in their houses.
The men working in nightshifts are looking up to the sky,
thinking it will be a nice day today.
Meanwhile bomber D 82 has taken Northern course,
followed by two bombers identical in construction,
equipped with the most modern measure instruments.
Their task is to send photos and data
of a unique experiment,
the experiment of human mass extermination.
Inside the bomb bay of B 29 a bomb is plugged, length
4 metres, diameter 1 metre, filled with 38.35 kg
Uran 235. It’s the most horrifying invention of human
brain so far. The bomb’s object: Destruction of Hiroshima.
The pilot continuesthe new course: 356 degree,
steering towards his predetermined coordinates.
The visual range above Hiroshima-Town
now is 10 miles, the sky is partly clouded,
Bomber D 82 flies 4920 metres altitude.
The instruments show the current speed: 200 miles p.h.
At 7.30 the bomb is released by a soldier,
then D 82 rises to the altitude 9144 metres.
At 7 am there is an air raid alarm for Hiroshima
because a single plane (pathfinder) has appeared.
After the all clear sign is given at 07:32,165000
inhabitants follow their usual jobs.
About 9100 metres over Hiroshima there
is a last function test of the bomb.
D 82 changes its course to 164 degrees.
The automatic piloting is initiated. At exactly 8.16 am
local time the bomb is notched. Approximate time
of plunging down is 43 seconds. The bomb is expected
to explode at a height of 600 metres.
Point of aim: a bridge over the Ota river
So far it was possible to rely
on historical statements and data. But what followed
after, can hardly be depicted in words.
It is so cruel, abstract and perverted
Lacking all human logic, a pure madness,
expended in ascending powers.
It is initiated by radio signals and
can’t be stopped. A new level of mass murder
is launched, its cruelty and brutality
can’t be intensified. An Uran bomb of
20 kilometric tons ( 20000 tons TNT)
excels all war arms hitherto existing.
From the bomber it is registered that the bomb
missed the target by 270 meters ...
it did not detonate on top of the bridge
or even the Ota river, -
no, 600 meters above a hospital
the Japanese apocalypse begins.
The bomb blasts and people are blinded by an
infernal lightning. Immense shock waves bolt through
the town, houses break down by compression waves
und suction. White fume rises, it forms the shape
of a mushroom. In the epicentre temperature rises
up to 7000 degree Celsius.
Humans and all living creatures become atomized,
transformed to plain ylem There are dark shapes
on the pavement where children and
grown-ups used to sit. Human creatures who
survived the frantic temperatures
inside buildings come creeping out of ruins.
But they don’t resemble human beings anymore.
Swollen faces, contorted by heat and radiation. Eyes
destroyed by pressure of the explosion and rippe from
the sockets, deafness and blindness caused by pressure
heat and radiaton; shreds of skin hanging loose
and extremities even ripped off from the violated bodies.
Children and grown-ups lie on their sides, on their
backs, limbs dislocated, eyes and mouths wide open.
Children‘s big dead eyes stare soullessly into the
distance, Mothers search for their children, and when
they have found them, they throw themselves over
the disfigured bodies, not accepting death.
There are hardly any dead people to be foundin
the epicentre. Later the dead and missing people
will be recorded lost without trace.
Nowadays one knows where they have gone,
but it is impossible to name
the dimensions for statistical purpose.
All over Hiroshima up to the far fringes
of town, you see people who lack limbs,
who roll on the ground in agony, praying that
death might release them from pain soon.
Wherever you look ... injured, crippled, dead.
Smell of burnt flesh arises.
From ruins people ooze out like ants,
With bare hands they try to
free other buried people.
There is no equipment or tools,
no electricity nor water.
Nobody knows where to find a doctor.
The soil is burned, still scorching hot, trees are
burning from trunk to crown. Streets of houses are
a red-hot inferno, people run around as burning
torches, throw themselves down tothe ground,
trying to extinguish the flames.
Like an avalanche people hurry to the Ota delta.
Charred corpses and tree stumps stare at the sky,
all humidity has been soaked up by ardour,
no matter whether water, lymph or blood,
people, deaf and blind, stagger over the ruins,
people with burst open wombs writhe in their blood,
nobody is able to help them.
Meanwhile, from a safe distance the bombers,
equipped with cameras and instruments
are collecting photos, data and facts of
this horror because such a bomb has never before
been tested. The smoke mush-room cloud has
reached a gigantic heightof 16700 kilometres.
It still can be seen from a distance of 400 miles.
The „success” is signalled to Tinian Island by code
while thousands of innocent people are dying in
Hiroshima. Up to 1945 there were 135000 dead
people – Most of them die within minutes, others
are dying fordays, weeks, months or even years.
Still today some people die from late effects.
After nearly 75 years, people with the
worst disabilities are still living witnesses to
contemporary history. What did you know about
pressure and radiation damage? What did you know
about late effects and inheritance damage?
What did you know about all the other consequences?
To merely number the above mentioned victims is
not enough.Today, after almost 75 years, people
with the worst disabilities are still living witnesses
of contemporary history. What did one know about
pressure and radiation damage? What did one know
about late effects and inheritance damage? What
did one know about all the other consequences?
One knew about injuries by burning from last wars,
but burning traumas of this kind were unknown.
Who was able to cure the victims?
Due to radiation the healing of these wounds
was extremely difficul, deep, distorting
scars were caused by them. If ever one survived at all.
The alpha, beta and gamma radiation
caused injuries not yet known-
Japanese women aborted unborn babies
because the embryos were severely harmed by radiance-
Many people who came from distant regions
were contaminated, too.
Children were born as cripples,
people suffered from severe nerve diseases,
there were damaged brains, and the number of
mentally disabled persons grew up enormously.
The radiation caused
adhesions and deformation of bones.
Uncontrolled growth of cells inside and on the body
caused deformations, suspensions, handicaps and
grotesque faces. Unproportioned numbers
of leukaemia and cancer of
all sorts and variations occurred.
Even grandchildren have to reckon with damages.
There were high rates of multiple impairments too;
Blindness, deafness, loss of extremities;
Loss of speech and reproduction, brain damage;
Bone deformities and other abnormalities.
Among the survivors of Hiroshima a flowing boundary
developed between life and death.
Hiroshima, a town with 365,000 inhabitants beforewas
destroyed up to 60 percent. 78500 of the inhabitants
were killed immediately.Today the number of dead
people is thought to be 200,000 in total, but nobody
thinks of all the handicapped who nowadays
still suffer from diseases and deformities.
All this had not been known. There were only
assumptions and speculations bout the consequences.
There has been no complete overview about
the extent of the catastrophe.
Armed forces were the supporters of this action,
to enforce Japan’s capitulation.
However, since this did not take place, on the 9th
of August 1945 another nuclear strike was carried out.
Again bombers approached a Japanese city
this time Nagasaki was the destination.
Although the bomb passed the target for miles,
the second Japanese apocalypse took place.
Nagasaki experienced the same misery and
distress, like Hiroshima suffered 3 days earlier.
There were 35,000 instant deaths,
later a number of 73,000 was estimated
Again men had appointed themselves
as avenger and judge of men.
At a press conference in Tokyo on September
12th, 1945 it was categorically denied by U.S.
General Farrell, that by bombing both Japanese cities
there had been significant radioactivity.
It's cynical to express just one month after the
pandemonium such inhuman statement.
One wonders how it was possible, facing
113,150 immediate deaths, later a total of 273,000
deaths, to publicly announce in cold blood and
dispassionately, with ignorance and arrogance
statements which was in stark contradiction to reality.
How might victims and survivors have understood this
The two bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had an
explosive force of 20 kilo-tons each.
These are 20000 tons of TNT.
Single warheads in east and west todayhave warheads
of more than 9 mega-tons,
which means 900,0000 tons of TNT.
These bombs are 450 times more effective than the
Japanese bombs. But this only refers to Uran 235 bombs.
In between development of atomic weapons has bee
accelerated, Now there are atomic bombs with 50,000
degrees in their fire centers. The sun’s surface only
has 5,500 degrees Celsius. But that is not the end.
The next “advance” was the hydrogen bomb.
In its fireball are 100,000 degrees Celsius.
What threatens mankind if this weapon is ever used
none of us can really invision.
It cannot be ruled out that old "Mother Earth"
then could be a thing lost and gone.
Unfortunately the list of weapons is even longer –
Not long ago new bombs were developed
which brought up the neutron bomb.
This a gigantic intensification
which the human brain can’t seize.
Not even experts agree about its consequences.
Meanwhile on our earth there are so many
nuclear weapons stored in different systems,
that they are sufficient for a multiple overkill:
It is not enough for the military to be able
to destroy mankind just once.
No, overkills are intended in dozens.
Have these gentlemen forgotten that each
person can only die once? Have the politicians,
who decide aboutatomic weapons,
forgotten that a human is
the highest of all beings and
has a right to a human death?
What are all religious statements worth going
to church regularly and still ignoring
biblical commandments? Do they still know
the commandment: you shall not kill?
How can this ever be in line
with Christian and ethical morals?
One should call out to them: have you already
forgotten everything? Have you already forgotten
Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Does your conscience
allow you to sleep calmly if you think of the victims
if Hiroshima and Nagasaki? It is not enough to pray
in church on Sundays: forgive us our trespasses.
273,000 dead people admonish. Another thousands
of people are blind, deaf, suffer from cancer,
have brain damages, are genetically contaminated have
damaged bones, are burned or disfigured,
crippled and ailing.
They all admonish: You shall not kill!
It can’t be true that Heraklit’s antique statement
is still valid today: ar ist the father of everything.
But in August 1982 there was the following note
in the Sunday Journal, Providence USA:
Pentagon strategists think a victory is possible
with no biggerloss than 20,000,000 people.
This statement makes us realize that there
are strategists who actually think about realizing
an atomic war. But the barbarous and
perverse thought is that one takes
into account 20 million people
as potential atomic victims.
The mature citizen must learn his lessons
from this: under all circumstances he must prevent
that the influence of such strategists and
self-proclaimed gods can spread who only talk
about peace and in truth mean
their own adventure: war.
The earth offers place, food and security for everyone,
everybody has the right to live in his state,
everybody has to respect the opinions and limits of his
fellow citizens, politicians have to reach an agreements
if controversial questions arise - it is always possible
to find a consensus. Then peace will continue.
The result would be that we could abolish and destroy
all beastly weapons. It would be a life with and for
one another and not against each other.
Trust in politicians would be rebuilt
our children and grandchildren too
could enjoy all the beauties of this world.
So finally, the question to all those responsible:
"Have you already forgotten everything"?
Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Richard von Lenzano.
Publicado en el 26.07.2024.
Más de esta categoría "Guerra & Paz" (Poemas en inglés)
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