Antonio Justel Rodriguez


...this scrutiny of pain, which hurts and makes the voice raw,
the lips and the bones, this final tiredness of what is or remains,
[boredom, brevity and cold]
How long, how long will it be?
...god of my body, raise a spring of living forces
with which to shortcut my rivers and black seas,
observe in what tremor I keep my being and in what misfortune
faith in itself is extinguished and does not console;
…because is it permissible to humble oneself, stop and then see disasters arise or pass?
Is it loneliness with the vast domain that its power entails?
...oh old god with my man crises, I need to live, strain and trample the light,
light eternity with this hard moment even though later the collapses destroy my shoulders
and neither love nor freedom appear, not even a minimal song with its wisp of light
in his chest;
... oh god who runs through my silent and wounded blood, raise my hands to continue,
touch them with your living fire and set them on fire, rebuild them, take them out of the stupor of death
and make them worthy, capable of fighting.
Antonio Justel/Orion of Panthoseas

Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Publicado en el 26.07.2024.


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