Rolph David

A World That Makes Me Stranger...

I am the sum of things you fear to see—
Black as the night, a Jew by blood and birth,
Gay as the breath of silk that graces air
On stages where you would not dare to tread.
Your eyes grow narrow, searching for a fault—
My skin, my name, my love that isn't yours.
But is it not your God who made us all?
Then why does mine seem foreign to your gaze?

I walk each day through corridors of scorn,
Through sermons that strike harder than your fists,
Through prayers that seek to change what I’ve become—
As if my truth could tarnish your own grace.
I see you guard your children from my face,
As if my very presence could corrupt,
As if my words could lead their hearts astray—
But you forget who taught you to despise.

You build these walls from bricks your fears have made,
You mortar them with cruelty and doubt,
To keep me out of circles you call pure—
As if your God himself would bar the gate.
But minds closed tight are prisons of their own,
With bars of ignorance forged deep inside,
And those who stand and guard them trap themselves
In terrors of a world they cannot see.

I beg you not to love who I am now—
Not honor what your heart will not accept—
But see the way your blindness scars the earth,
How those who should belong are cast away.
In blackness lies a truth you’ve yet to face,
In queerness, there’s a love no less divine,
In Judaism, flames that will not die—
None ask you for the pieces that you lack.

Rethink the skin you curse along your streets,
Rethink the kiss you claim defiles the air,
Rethink the faith that blinds your mind and heart—
Rethink, and see a world you’ve yet to know.
To differ is no threat you need to fight,
To be unique does not demand your hate—
But shows the cracks in walls you’ve built too high,
And where a bridge could rise from what you fear.

Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Rolph David.
Publicado en el 02.09.2024.


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