Anastasiia Matiash

If You Don't Love Me

If you don't love me, then you can fuck off.
I'm not gonna try to convince you.
You may not know what you feel for me
But I know what I feel exactly.
If you don't want to hold me tight, 
Then you'd better just let me go.
There's someone there who will love me right,
They are waiting for me, I know.
What is it? You don't know what to say?
Then you know, you'd better keep silent.
Because silence is holy, it's pleasant and safe, 
It is better than empty sounds.
What is it? You don't want me to go?
And you say that you love me for real?
Maybe I will regret it but not today.
Today I'm gonna believe you.

Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Anastasiia Matiash.
Publicado en el 26.11.2024.


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