Rolph David

The Tyrant In My Mind

Eine poetische Erkundung eines Geistes, der von den allgegenwärtigen Gespenstern Donald Trumps und Elon Musks vergiftet wurde. Dieses Werk fängt hoffentlich die unerbittliche mentale Belagerung ein und insbesondere den Detox von ihrem toxischen Einfluss. Es ist eine lebendige Darstellung innerer Aufruhr und der Suche nach Klarheit und Freiheit.

Each waking thought, his specter reappears,
A gaudy brute who feeds on hate and strife.
He storms my mind, his voice ignites my fears,
Corrupting every corner of my life.

The day revolves around his endless schemes,
His hollow boasts, his hunger to devour.
No peace remains; he's in my quiet dreams,
A toxin twisting beauty into power.

He plants his clone, the shadow by his side,
Their chaos spreads, infecting all I see.
My world is stained; what’s pure is pushed aside,
And every thought bends back to tyranny.

But shall I let him reign inside my head?
This crude usurper, thriving on my rage?
No. I will cleanse the ground his words have bled,
And strip his rule from my soul’s sacred page.

I’ll dig him out, unroot his toxic seed,
And let my thoughts grow quiet, clear, and whole.
No more his poison makes my spirit bleed;
I’ll find again the freedom of control.

Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Rolph David.
Publicado en el 24.01.2025.


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