Arne Bister

Unlive my life

Retracing every step by step
as if I could unlive my life
I still leave footprints on your beach.
With painful flashbacks as my map
as if I could forgive my life
you are forever out of reach. 

With this poem I tried to capture the feeling of loss and regret at losing good friends or breaking up, leading to the wish you could unlive your life by simply retracing it step by step. Of course, when you retrace your steps all that you do is leave new footprints. Life's remote has no rewind button. Ah, if at least it had a pause button ...Comentario del autro

Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Arne Bister.
Publicado en el 03.07.2008.


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Más de esta categoría "Vida" (Poemas en inglés)

Otras obras de Arne Bister

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