May your home never lack
a good friend and a snack
May your work be respected
and your nights well protected
May your house be all safe,
and your heart mostly brave
May your lover be well-set
and each child go ahead
May your love remain strong
and your lips sing a song
May the angels well guard
your mind and your heart
May all blessings rain down
upon you and your town
May no job be undue
and God’s love sprout in you
Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Jürgen Wagner.
Publicado en el 23.01.2015.
Kraftorte der Natur im Spiegel der Volksmärchen
von Jürgen Wagner
10 Kraftplätze (Bach, Berg, Baum, Brunnen, See, Wald, Höhle, Sumpf, Hügel und sakraler Ort) mit 12 Märchen erzählt und ausgelegt
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