Irene Beddies

Soviet Poet

Soviet  Poet
Nizametdin Achmetow,
(who was kept in the GULAG for nearly 20 years)                              

The day he was set free
after eighteen years of prison and slavery
there was no joy
 nothing in which he could employ.
He merely felt empty.
Every moment he’d lived up to this day,
had with his health to pay
for the defeat of tempting resignation.
He’d written against his mind’s starvation.
Now he had nothing to say.
True – he at last had survived,
was no longer of freedom deprived.
Yet there was left no strong feeling.
To himself he was revealing
 he at his weakness connived.
For what he vehemently had fought,
what he had dreamt of and thought,
 today was no longer of weight,
caused no desire or hate.
He felt, he already forgot.
The long torturing years
 had killed his future and fears.
His life meanwhile had been lived by others.
Voices, no longer those of brothers
seemed meaningless noise  in his ears.
© I. Beddies


Todos los derechos pertenecen a su autor. Ha sido publicado en a solicitud de Irene Beddies.
Publicado en el 04.10.2016.


El autor

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Libro de Irene Beddies:


In Krollebolles Reich: Märchen von Irene Beddies

Irene Beddies hat in diesem Band ihre Märchen für Jugendliche und Erwachsene zusammengestellt.
Vom Drachen Alka lesen wir, von Feen, Prinzen und Prinzessinnen, von kleinen Wesen, aber auch von Dummlingen und ganz gewöhnlichen Menschen, denen ein wunderlicher Umstand zustößt.
In fernen Ländern begegnen dem Leser Paschas und Maharadschas. Ein Rabe wird sogar zum Rockstar.
Auch der Weihnachtsmann darf in dieser Gesellschaft nicht fehlen.

Mit einer Portion Ironie, aber auch mit Mitgefühl für die Unglücklichen, Verzauberten wird erzählt.

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